


May 13



Mr Raab, who is deputising for the prime minister while he recovers from his Covid-19 illness, said allowing a second peak of infections would be “the worst outcome not just for public health but for the economy”, adding: “Let’s not give coronavirus a second chance.”



Neutrality:中立,比如政治方面的中立就可以说political neutrality。

undaunted:就是无所畏惧、不屈不挠的意思。女王的父亲乔治六世在1939年的演讲中这样说:If it brings us continuing struggle, we shall remain undaunted.


propensity for good:“善”的天性,A propensity to do something或者a propensity for something,举个例子可以说Mr. Robinson has a propensity to put off decisions to the last minute.罗宾森先生习惯拖到最后一分钟再做决定。

The Commonwealth:英联邦。

May 14



The loan portions of the bailout have to be repaid within 10 years and the Treasury will also receive warrants to buy shares in return for the funds, giving the US taxpayer exposure to any share price recovery across the industry.


tabloid:是小报的意思,它的报道通常不太严谨,追求眼球效应和花边新闻,有时可能比较没节操。比如在英国,太阳报(the Sun)或每日镜报(Daily Mirror)都属于小报。它的反义词就是broadsheet,指内容更为严肃且更有公信力的大报,比如泰晤士报(The Times)和我们金融时报(Financial Times)、还有卫报(the Guardian)等,美国的有比如纽约时报(The New York Times)、华盛顿邮报(Washington Post)等。所以,小报不一定是那些只报道八卦娱乐新闻的刊物,比如中国的《环球时报》也经常被西方主流媒体称作Tabloid。

blackmail:敲诈勒索,由黑色与邮件两个词组合而成,它可以做名词也可以作为动词使用;但是这个意思的动词,有另外一个是大家经常使用的,extort,勒索,它的意思是强权、威胁或者其他不公平的手段获取某物,也有榨取的意思。可以记下这个词组extort something from somebody,从某人身上勒索或者榨取得到某物。

crosshairs:也很形象,两根毛发一横一竖组成了一个十字形状,你一定在望远镜瞄准器或者手机镜头上能找到这个标记,十字的交叉点就是靶子对准的对象,所以经常用介词in the crossharis,或者into someone’s crosshairs来形容某人成了靶心瞄准的猎物。

taken down:就是拿下的意思,这个词组有三重意思,包括从高处取下来take down that painting,拆除障碍,take down the barricade,或者用笔记下来,take the pretty girl’s number down(记下那个漂亮姑娘的电话号码)。


salacious gossip:荤段子,桃色绯闻。如果作者用salacious来形容一本书或者一个笑话,就说明他认为内容里面牵扯了很多没必要的桃色细节描写。名词是Salaciousness。

taking feuds online:就是feud即积怨或者世仇,比如a family feud,也可以作动词。

on food stamps:亚马逊因为低薪酬问题被指责为剥削劳动力,近期引发了很多抗议。媒体用这个词组来形容亚马逊对员工有多吝啬,因为在美国,政府会给低收入者发放一些可以定向兑换食物的票券,称为food stamp,有点类似中国在计划经济时期推出的粮票,但性质完全不一样。

extol:动词,赞颂的意思,变形有名词extoller, extolment. 有个形容词也表示赞美本身这个行为,即laudatory,比如David Pecker的小报就曾经给特朗普写了很多laudatory stories。这不用多说,我们中国人都懂。

no small feat:用来形容某事是了不起的行为,你说到的某个人取得的成绩很伟大,一点儿也不渺小。比如,我觉得我儿子1岁时学会站立,一定是no small feat。Feat有两层意思,指功绩或者某种技艺。

AMI is walking at the precipice:美国媒体公司正在走向绝壁。是的,那就是悬崖峭壁。


vying with someone:微软和甲骨文公司都在和亚马逊竞争美国国防部的一个100亿美元的大单。它的原形动词vie,就是争夺的意思,比如vie with other kids for attention。

May 15



A more fundamental consequence would be a rethinking of that anachronistic dichotomy to include approaches drawing on values beyond compliance with government and individual gain.


rambling announcement:就是《漫步华尔街》的那个ramble,但这里指没完没了、东拉西扯的演讲,同学们可以用来形容校长或者领导讲话:)



in a nutshell:简言之

smoke and mirrors:烟雾弹,irrelevant or misleading information serving to obscure the truth of a situation 混淆视听。


call the muster:点名


embolden a future:⿎舞未来,embolden v.使有胆量;使有信心;鼓励。

May 16



The market sell-off would spread to other eurozone members. This is the apocalyptic scenario Mr Macron fears.

May 17



The facts of the crisis may finally overcome sentiment but, if scapegoats are needed, he is unlikely to be among them.


Nominee: 被提名者。A nominee is someone who is nominated for a job, position, or award.

关于honor 获奖的一些用法:

授予荣誉:confer honor; bestow honor; award (sb) honor;

接受荣誉: accept honor, pick up honor, receive honor, scoop honor, take honor, win honor;

获得荣誉:grab the honor

To give the old story some new oomph: 这是形容LadyGaga给那部电影带来了某种新的魅力,oomph经常形容与性感有关的魅力。

accolade: 就是荣誉、赞誉和奖项,所以不只有prize或者award能表达这个意思,还有一个英式表达win a top gong,可以翻译成拔得头筹。

plaster: 是醒目地刊登和张贴的意思。

drum up: 这个词组就有三重含义,可以说drum up support争取支持,也可以说drum up excitement激起兴趣,还可以说drum up customers招揽顾客。

scoop: 它原本的意思是用来盛饭的那种比较深的勺子或者铲子,也可以作动词,但这里用的意思就是win,指赢得奖项;在新闻行业,它还有独家新闻的意思,scoop-getter就是那些能挖来独家新闻的记者。

homophobic: 恐同,phobic组在一个词里面,就表示害怕的意思,比如claustrophobic幽闭恐惧症,arachnophobic蜘蛛恐惧症等。

a star-studded ceremony: 星光闪耀的典礼。stud本身就是一种用来装饰的钉子,比如a silver stud in his ear,他那银色的耳钉;而studded可以用作形容词,表示装饰布满了某物,比如the clear sky is studded with stars。

May 18

Silver lining

[ˌsɪl.və ˈlaɪ.nɪŋ]字面意思是“银边”。英语里有一句谚语是”Every cloud has a silver lining”,意思是由于云朵背后会透出些许光线,所以每朵乌云的边缘都有一条银边。这句话用来比喻任何坏事背后,都有美好的一面,消极事件可能也有积极的一面。所以,silver lining多用于指失望或不幸中的一线希望、一线慰藉。

If we are to glimpse any silver lining in the current collapse in output, this human capital windfall is one.





come to a standstill:停下来

in extremis:紧要关头;临终之时


in light of:鉴于,考虑到。eg. 中国停飞Max,出于安全考虑


flaw, faulty, deficiency:缺陷,缺陷,缺陷。eg. If that sensor is faulty and the information is therefore flawed.

too sketchy to draw a conclusion:过于粗略而无法得出结论

eerily similar:诡异地相似。

get into stall:就是失速、失控,用在引擎上就是熄火,用在汽车上就是指抛锚。


May 19



Telemedicine works “for most medication refills . . . urinary tract infections, colds and rashes, diabetes and hypertension follow-ups, lab results, post-op visits, birth control and fertility, and mental health,” says the website Medicaleconomics.com.

May 20



Chinese policy advisers and bankers told the Financial Times that Beijing was considering a number of responses, including the suspension of interest payments on loans from the country’s financial institutions. But they also warned against expectations that China would forgive debts outright.



collusion:也是勾结的意思,in collusion with sb

hem and haw:支支吾吾,吞吞吐吐,边说边在想用什么词

ad infinitum:一遍遍永无止境地重复

push the envelope:以前所未有的方式挑战极限






kumbaya moment:指一种认为一切“都挺好”的天真的乌托邦感觉,通常说这话的人有点讽刺的意思

wage a feud over sth:就是因某事结怨

tooth and nail:用牙咬,用指甲挠,看上去要拼尽全力打架,对了,这就是tooth and nail的意思,动用自己全部的资源和力量,get better of you,打败你

chafe at something:是对某事恼怒;女生穿新鞋把脚给磨破皮了,这个磨也是chafe的常用含义

obstruct:本意是挡路,比如妨碍交通就是obstruct traffic

May 21


[ˈfɜːləʊ] 名词,指休假,尤指公职人员的无薪休假,或因发不出工资而给的准假。

The Treasury has indicated that universities should first avail themselves of the government furlough and continuity loan schemes before seeking any further bailout, in keeping with the message communicated to airlines this month.


单词 释义
pathogen 病原
stress test 压力测试
exogenous 外生的
churn out 搅动,产出
gauge 量规
pandemic 大流行
plateau 高原
negligence 疏忽
tally 相符
abhor 痛恨
philanthropist 慈善家
unrivalled 无与伦比
flunk 不及格
sinuous 弯曲的
galvanise 镀锌,刺激
scapegoats 替罪羊

May 22


[ˈmɜːsənəri] 形容词,指唯利是图的,也可以做名词,用来指雇佣兵,也就是那些以金钱为目的去参战的武装人士。

The detentions come a day after the government said security forces killed eight “terrorist mercenaries” and arrested two more as they tried to steal ashore before dawn.


clocking in:打卡,考勤

go viral:突然火爆、流行



advocate: 倡议者




take heed:注意

tread a fine/delicate/narrow line/path:小心翼翼地在两种对立势力之间寻求平衡,避免犯错

usher in:引入

May 23



A potential antiviral drug for the coronavirus has flopped in its first randomised clinical trial, disappointing scientists and investors who had high hopes for remdesivir, according to draft documents published accidentally by the World Health Organization and seen by the Financial Times.




put your feet up: 劳累工作后休息一下

a protracted battle:一场旷日持久的战争

to be out of kilter with something: 与某事物不一致;

out of kilter / off kilter:有点紊乱,状态不好,不正确,比如用于形容某个人的body clock时。


zeitgeist :时代精神或者思潮,来自于德语,例如the Google Zeitgeist

May 24



Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic adviser at Allianz, said Thursday’s data highlighted “the ferocity of the sudden stop hitting the US economy”.

May 25



The NIAID trial, which has yet to be peer reviewed, showed a 31 per cent improvement in patients taking the drug compared with a placebo, Dr Fauci said, with victims recovering in 11 days on average rather than 15 days for the control group.


amassed a wealth of data : 积累大量数据

reprimand:谴责 eg. He has been fined five thousand dollars and given a severe reprimand.他被罚款5000美元,并且受到严厉的训斥

mesmerizing: 有吸引力的

prank: 恶作剧,戏谑


falling foul of: 违规


dislodge: 取代;eg. Xiaomi has dislodged Samsung with the top selling smartphone in India.小米取代三星成为印度最畅销的智能手机

dotcom bubble:互联网泡沫,特指起于90年代初、2000年时在美国破灭的那个泡泡

beef up:加强(增援,充实);补充(人数, 兵力)等


time-mongers: 时间贩子

M&A(Mergers and Acquisitions): 并购,英文是acquire;合并,英文是merge; 所以你经常可以看到这个缩写——并购

May 26



“Anything that can take us away from a preoccupation with our pathetic selves is an emancipation,” says Chris Oakley, a London psychoanalyst who wrote Football Delirium.


transgression 越界,违反规则

exogamy 异族通婚

sexual conduct 性行为

misperception 误解,错觉

at a very basic level 通常情况下

prejudice against sth. 对某事的偏见

criminal action 刑事诉讼

civil action 民事诉讼

burden of proof 举证责任

preponderance of evidence 证据优势

rape/sexual assault 前者本身就有强奸的意思,但所有当事人不想要的性接触都可以叫做sexual assault,比如说被迫的亲吻。

reckoning 清算,反省

allegation 指控

consent/assent 都是“同意”的意思,好像没什么区别。可实际上,这两个词还是有相当大差别的。Consent means “freely given, knowledgeable and informed agreement.” 可以理解为准许,并且是在有知情权的情形下,自由选择的行为。然而,Assent means “agreement on the face of it.”只是表面同意的意思。比如你被骗了,那就只能说你assent坏人的要求,但绝对不是consent,因为如果你知道自己上当,或许也就不会同意了。

elevate 提升…的职位

May 27



Eventually, in the interest of furthering my own dubious project of sublimation, I decided to stand up from my laptop and go out into the world in search of manifestations of those apocalyptic anxieties.


Public persona:公众形象

Stay at the helm:掌舵










Pan out:结果,或结果令人满意




Touch wood (British) / knock on wood (American):但愿走好运

May 28



Whether it was Hollywood star Tom Hanks or Britain’s Prince Charles, the initial impression was of the pathogen’s blind egalitarianism.



alma mater:母校



deeply ingrained:根深蒂固

a parental link:家长人脉


a cultural gulf:文化鸿沟



social mobility:社会流动

the moral high grounds:道德高地




in a quandary:陷入困窘,左右为难

tap alums for cash:如果你tap某种资源或者处境的话,就意味着你想要通过运用这些资源,获取自己所需。举个例子:He owes his election to having tapped deep public disillusion with professional politicians. 他将自己赢得选举这个结果,归功于利用了民众内心深处对职业政客不再抱有幻想的情况。

vehement:等于forceful,猛力的、强烈的,such as a vehement wind一阵强风吹过;不过,vehement所表达的这种强烈,主要与情感相关,可以指代一个人情绪很激烈、很激动的意思。比如,强烈的爱国主义感vehement patriotism;强烈怀疑,a vehement suspicion。

May 29

Carpe diem

[ˌkɑː.peɪˈdiː.em]拉丁短语,意为“seize the day”,指只争朝夕、抓住机遇,也指把握当下、及时行乐。

Starting from here, the managers might even be happy to have had LVMH in their portfolio: spending on luxury goods is already recovering nicely in China and they expect an element of carpe diem spending as the rest of the world reopens.


legislative proposals:立法提案

come into force:生效


streaks:连胜。 streak,名词是长条纹,动词是留下长条纹痕迹,飞快地划过,甚至还有裸奔的意思。on a lucky streak or a winning streak,就是形容鸿运当头,赌场上把把都能赢;但要是on a losing streak,那就要做好“屋漏偏逢连夜雨,船迟又遇打头风”的准备了。




esoteric:难解的,深奥的,指一些内容likely to be understood or enjoyed by only a few people with a special knowledge or interest.

trick:欺骗,欺诈,性质要比nudge更严重一些,与cheat类似,主要是通过界面的设计让你交出数据。我经常在微信里打开某些链接时,对方会提示是否授权该网页获取我的头像、昵称、账号等个人信息,我通常都是选择不同意,当然很多时候就会被跳转回先前的页面。trick sb out of sth意为从某人处骗走某物,比如She was tricked out of her life savings. 她被骗走了一生的积蓄。

nudge:本意是推,to push sb gently in order to get their attention. 用作劝说鼓动时,一般是through earnest appeals to follow a course of action。Nudge users into something,是指劝说、鼓动用户去做某事。但是如果句子中出现了nudge-nudge,这可不是强调推了两次,而是特指性丑闻,比如:The article listed a series of nudge-nudge, wink-wink rumors that have appeared in newspapers over the last two years. 文章列举了过去两年间报纸上出现过的一连串性丑闻传言。

上瘾的说法:常见的有be addicted to, 可以是对drugs, gambling,computer games上瘾。Addicted还有入迷,着迷的意思。Be hooked on something也能用于上瘾,主要指的是毒瘾,但同样也能用于对某事着迷。这两种表达的区别在于,addicted上瘾程度更深,一般已经造成了伤害;hooked指的是一种无法摆脱的状态。还有一种表达上瘾程度更轻,be obsessed with,指痴迷、迷了心窍,比如be obsessed with fame,迷恋名利。

May 30



The events of recent days had led to an unprecedented rupture in China-Africa relations.

May 31



Since Brexit, the UK prime minister has been a divisive figure, but his struggle with Covid-19 left all but his most partisan foes shocked, scared and desperate for news of recovery.


3D cell culture 3D cell culturing 3D cell microarrays 3D culture 3D culture model 3D printing 3D spheroid 3D tumor culture 3D tumors 3D vascular mapping ACT ADV AUTODESK Abdominal wall defects Acoustofluidics Adipocyte Adipogenesis Adoptive cell therapy AirPods Alginate Anticancer Anticancer agents Anticancer drugs Apple Apriori Association Analysis August AutoCAD Autodock Vina Bio-inspired systems Biochannels Bioengineering Bioinspired Biological physics Biomarkers Biomaterial Biomaterials Biomimetic materials Biomimetics Bioprinting Blood purification Blood-brain barrier Bone regeneration Breast cancer Breast cancer cells Breast neoplasms CM1860 CRISPR/Cas9 system CSS CTC isolation CTCs Cancer Cancer angiogenesis Cancer cell invasion Cancer immunity Cancer immunotherapy Cancer metabolism Cancer metastasis Cancer models Cancer screening Cancer stem cells Cell adhesion Cell arrays Cell assembly Cell clusters Cell culture Cell culture techniques Cell mechanical stimulation Cell morphology Cell trapping Cell-bead pairing Cell-cell interaction Cell-laden gelatin methacrylate Cellular uptake Cell−cell interaction Cervical cancer Cheminformatics Chemotherapy Chimeric antigen receptor-T cells Chip interface Circulating tumor cells Clinical diagnostics Cmder Co-culture Coculture Colon Colorectal cancer Combinatorial drug screening Combinatorial drug testing Compartmentalized devices Confined migration Continuous flow Convolutional neural network Cooking Crawler Cryostat Curved geometry Cytokine detection Cytometry Cytotoxicity Cytotoxicity assay DESeq DNA tensioners Data Mining Deep learning Deformability Delaunay triangulation Detective story Diabetic wound healing Diagnostics Dielectrophoresis Differentiation Digital microfluidics Direct reprogramming Discrimination of heterogenic CTCs Django Double emulsion microfluidics Droplet Droplet microfluidics Droplets generation Droplet‐based microfluidics Drug combination Drug efficacy evaluation Drug evaluation Drug metabolism Drug resistance Drug resistance screening Drug screening Drug testing Dual isolation and profiling Dynamic culture Earphone Efficiency Efficiency of encapsulation Elastomers Embedded 3D bioprinting Encapsulation Endothelial cell Endothelial cells English Environmental hazard assessment Epithelial–mesenchymal transition Euclidean distance Exosome biogenesis Exosomes Experiment Extracellular vesicles FC40 FP-growth Fabrication Fast prototyping Fibroblasts Fibrous strands Fiddler Flask Flow rates Fluorescence‐activated cell sorting Functional drug testing GEO Galgame Game Gene Expression Profiling Gene delivery Gene expression profiling Gene targetic Genetic association Gene‐editing Gigabyte Glypican-1 GoldenDict Google Translate Gradient generator Growth factor G‐CSF HBEXO-Chip HTML Hanging drop Head and neck cancer Hectorite nanoclay Hepatic models Hepatocytes Heterotypic tumor HiPSCs High throughput analyses High-throughput High-throughput drug screening High-throughput screening assays High‐throughput methods Histopathology Human neural stem cells Human skin equivalent Hydrogel Hydrogel hypoxia Hydrogels ImageJ Immune checkpoint blockade Immune-cell infiltration Immunoassay Immunological surveillance Immunotherapy In vitro tests In vivo mimicking Induced hepatocytes Innervation Insulin resistance Insulin signaling Interferon‐gamma Intestinal stem cells Intracellular delivery Intratumoral heterogeneity JRPG Jaccard coefficient JavaScript July June KNN Kidney-on-a-chip Lab-on-a-chip Laptop Large scale Lattice resoning Leica Leukapheresis Link Lipid metabolism Liquid biopsy Literature Liver Liver microenvironment Liver spheroid Luminal mechanics Lung cells MOE Machine Learning Machine learning Macro Macromolecule delivery Macroporous microgel scaffolds Magnetic field Magnetic sorting Malignant potential Mammary tumor organoids Manhattan distance Manual Materials science May Mechanical forces Melanoma Mesenchymal stem cells Mesoporous silica particles (MSNs) Metastasis Microassembly Microcapsule Microcontact printing Microdroplets Microenvironment Microfluidic array Microfluidic chips Microfluidic device Microfluidic droplet Microfluidic organ-on-a chip Microfluidic organ-on-a-chip Microfluidic patterning Microfluidic screening Microfluidic tumor models Microfluidic-blow-spinning Microfluidics Microneedles Micropatterning Microtexture Microvascular Microvascular networks Microvasculatures Microwells Mini-guts Mirco-droplets Molecular docking Molecular imprinting Monolith Monthly Multi-Size 3D tumors Multi-organoid-on-chip Multicellular spheroids Multicellular systems Multicellular tumor aggregates Multi‐step cascade reactions Myeloid-derived suppressor cells NK cell NanoZoomer Nanomaterials Nanoparticle delivery Nanoparticle drug delivery Nanoparticles Nanowell Natural killer cells Neural progenitor cell Neuroblastoma Neuronal cell Neurons Nintendo Nissl body Node.js On-Chip orthogonal Analysis OpenBabel Organ-on-a-chip Organ-on-a-chip devices Organically modified ceramics Organoids Organ‐on‐a‐chip Osteochondral interface Oxygen control Oxygen gradients Oxygen microenvironments PDA-modified lung scaffolds PDMS PTX‐loaded liposomes Pain relief Pancreatic cancer Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma Pancreatic islet Pathology Patient-derived organoid Patient-derived tumor model Patterning Pearl powder Pearson coefficient Penetralium Perfusable Personalized medicine Photocytotoxicity Photodynamic therapy (PDT) Physiological geometry Pluronic F127 Pneumatic valve Poetry Polymer giant unilamellar vesicles Polystyrene PowerShell Precision medicine Preclinical models Premetastatic niche Primary cell transfection Printing Protein patterning Protein secretion Pubmed PyMOL Pybel Pytesseract Python Quasi-static hydrodynamic capture R RDKit RNAi nanomedicine RPG Reactive oxygen species Reagents preparation Resistance Review Rod-shaped microgels STRING Selective isolation Self-assembly Self-healing hydrogel September Signal transduction Silk-collagen biomaterial composite Similarity Single cell Single cells Single molecule Single-cell Single-cell RNA sequencing Single‐cell analysis Single‐cell printing Size exclusion Skin regeneration Soft lithography Softstar Spheroids Spheroids-on-chips Staining StarBase Stem cells Sub-Poisson distribution Supramolecular chemistry Surface chemistry Surface modification Switch T cell function TCGA Tanimoto coefficient The Millennium Destiny The Wind Road Thin gel Tissue engineering Transcriptome Transfection Transient receptor potential channel modulators Tropism Tubulogenesis Tumor environmental Tumor exosomes Tumor growth and invasion Tumor immunotherapy Tumor metastasis Tumor microenvironment Tumor response Tumor sizes Tumor spheroid Tumor-on-a-chip Tumorsphere Tumors‐on‐a‐chip Type 2 diabetes mellitus Ultrasensitive detection Unboxing Underlying mechanism Vascularization Vascularized model Vasculature Visual novel Wettability Windows Terminal Word Writing Wuxia Xenoblade Chronicles Xin dynasty XuanYuan Sword Youdao cnpm fsevents miR-125b-5p miR-214-3p miRNA signature miRanda npm
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